Artificial Intelligence VS Art

 Artificial Intelligence VS Art:

There has been lengthy discussion on the internet, of the societal and economic impacts of the further
development of artificial intelligence technology, we have already seen the rapid advancement of these systems, and many are worried about the impact which this technology will have on the current economic landscape. Perhaps one of the most prevalent issues is that of Neural Network bases art generation programmes, and particularly their impact on human artists, given that programmes like Dall-E can already generate in minutes, what may take a conventional human artist hours or days, and significant expense, though these programmes are currently still lacking in many regards, it can easily be conceived that a technology will arise that is superior in every regard to humans in the arts, and while these systems are today limited primarily to literary and visual art, an entirely AI dominated internet art space is entirely a possibility.

AI Generated Painting of the Stars
The argument, therefore, is often made that 'with the power of AI, human creation will loose its value', and this seems logical, a human is dwarved by the capabilities of a computational system, however, this argument practically disproves itself, given that there are individuals who would mourn the replacement of human art, proves that there is a market for authentic human art. Oil painting is slow and inefficient compared to modern diegital art programs, yet more traditional art programs have not been replaced, clearly society places value on the artistic process, and thus, it can be concluded that there will continue to be a commercial demand for human art, despite the vast power of artificial intelligence.

Continuously, there is clearly something beyond art then the art itself, we often see value in art though the value we place in the artist. Many would find a piece of art created by their child far more valuable and significant than a professionally created work, simply due to the personal context which accompanies the work. Thus, it is clear that while an artificially generated artwork may be superior, its artistic merit is not the only aspect which gives it importance to its viewers, beauty is often in the mind of the beholder, as much as the eye.

In the end, humans will never cease to create, it is a core aspect of our being. Even today, so many create, not for gain, but for personal satisfaction. Those who create art, in ay of its forms, for profit, are a tiny majority of those who make art, for arts sake, even in a world where AI can create art in a vastly superior manner to that of humanity, art will always exist, for it is a constant of the human condiation, we will always wish to create beauty.

Artificial intelligence is a fantastic tool, and allows a greater appreciation of art than has ever existed in history, long gone are the days in which only the highest classes in society are able to appreciate art in its most pure form. We may see a future where every person has a personal artist at their behest, yet, it is hard to conceive that traditional art will ever die out, as it never has in the past.


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